(kakak kakak mohon bantuan nya translate dalam bahasa Inggris)
Kami setuju bahwa merokok harus di larang di tempat publik. Hal tersebut mengganggu ketenangan dan kenyamanan banyak orang, apa lagi berdampak sangat besar bagi ibu hamil, anak anak dan orang tua. Asap rokok yang ditimbulkan secara tidak langsung dapat mengakibatkan gangguan pernafasan dan penyakit paru paru serta organ dalam lainnya, seperti sesak nafas, asma, serangan jantung, stroke, kematian, Kanker, bahkan bisa masuk ke sistem pencernaan dan menyebabkan asam lambung meningkat. Penyakit ini bisa saja di derita oleh si perokok tersebut atau bahkan orang lain yang menghirup asapnya. Menghirup asap rokok disebut juga perokok pasif. Selain itu asap yang di timbulkan menyebabkan polusi udara, serta puntung rokok yang di buang sembarangan juga menyebabkan lingkungan menjadi kotor dan tidak higienis. Selain itu, hal negatif dari bahaya asap rokok adalah 1. Rokok menimbulkan pemborosan keuangan 2. Rokok menimbulkan ketergantungan 3. Dapat menurunkan kosentrasi 4. Menurunkan kebugaran dan juga mengganggu kesehatan 5. Menambah pencemaran polusi udara dari asap rokok
Menurut kami itu adalah hal negatif yang dapat diambil dari merokok ditempat umum. Hal positif yang bisa kita ambil jika larangan merokok di tempat umum terwujud, yaitu 1. Kesehatan semakin meningkat 2. Polusi udara berkurang 3. Kebersihan lingkungan tetap terjaga 4. Meningkatkan rasa nyaman di tempat umum 5. Dapat meningkatkan konsentrasi 6. Berkurangnya sampah sampah puntung rokok di jalanan
We agree that smoking should be banned in public places. This disturbs the peace and comfort of many people, what's more, it has a huge impact on pregnant women, children and the elderly. Cigarette smoke can indirectly cause respiratory problems and diseases of the lungs and other internal organs, such as shortness of breath, asthma, heart attack, stroke, death, cancer, and can even enter the digestive system and cause stomach acid to increase. This disease could be suffered by the smoker or even other people who inhale the smoke. Inhaling cigarette smoke is also called passive smoking. Apart from that, the smoke that is emitted causes air pollution, and cigarette butts that are thrown away carelessly also cause the environment to become dirty and unhygienic. Apart from that, the negative things about the dangers of cigarette smoke are
1. Cigarettes cause financial waste
2. Cigarettes cause dependence
3. Can reduce concentration
4. Reduce fitness and also disrupt health
5. Increase air pollution from cigarette smoke
In our opinion, this is a negative thing that can be taken from smoking in public places. The positive things that we can take if the ban on smoking in public places is realized, namely
1. Health will improve
2. Air pollution will decrease
3. Environmental cleanliness will be maintained
4. Increase the feeling of comfort in public places
5. Can increase concentration 6. Reduced butt litter cigarettes on the street
We agree that smoking should be banned in public places. This disturbs the peace and comfort of many people, what's more, it has a huge impact on pregnant women, children and the elderly. Cigarette smoke can indirectly cause respiratory problems and diseases of the lungs and other internal organs, such as shortness of breath, asthma, heart attack, stroke, death, cancer, and can even enter the digestive system and cause stomach acid to increase. This disease could be suffered by the smoker or even other people who inhale the smoke. Inhaling cigarette smoke is also called passive smoking. Apart from that, the smoke that is emitted causes air pollution, and cigarette butts that are thrown away carelessly also cause the environment to become dirty and unhygienic. Apart from that, the negative things about the dangers of cigarette smoke are
1. Cigarettes cause financial waste
2. Cigarettes cause dependence
3. Can reduce concentration
4. Reduce fitness and also disrupt health
5. Increase air pollution from cigarette smoke
In our opinion, this is a negative thing that can be taken from smoking in public places. The positive things that we can take if the ban on smoking in public places is realized, namely
1. Health will improve
2. Air pollution will decrease
3. Environmental cleanliness will be maintained
4. Increase the feeling of comfort in public places
5. Can increase concentration 6. Reduced butt litter cigarettes on the street
Tolong jadikan jawaban terbaik ^^