Kak tolong tulisin liburan kemarin tapi liburannya ke surabaya
POINNYA aku kasi nya agak banyak
Last holiday, I went to Surabaya to visit my grandma. I was so happy to meet her. She means everything for me. She gave me some money, shoes, a cute little bag, and ny favorite cookies. My grandma is the best. It was a nice holifay to Surabaya
I went to Surabaya last month, me and my family went to many places. We went to Ria Kenjeran beach, Pelangi park, Surabaya Zoo, The Bamboo park, And other great places. When we tired we went to a cafe. The name is Kafe Br*mo. We ate there until we were full. The we slept in a hotel called G**den Pal*ce hotel. The hotel looked like an apartment! It was very beautiful.
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