Kak, tolong terjemahkan teks ini ke Bahasa Inggris ya... poinnya lumayan loh :
Aku memiliki sebuah kamar tidur. Disana terdapat sebuah tempat tidur yg nyaman dan sebuah meja belajar kecil. Di meja belajar terdapat sebuah laptop merah, sebuah kotak pensil kecil, dan sebuah penggaris. Di sebelah kanan, terdapat sebuah kipas angin dan kursi. Di bagian kiri, juga terdapat sebuah lemari baju, sebuah cermin, dan sehelai sajadah. Di kamarku juga ada beberapa gantungan baju. Meskipun sederhana, tapi aku senang untuk menempatinya.
I have a bedroom. There is a comfortable bed and a small study table. On the study table is a red laptop, a small pencil case, and a ruler. On the right, there is a fan and a chair. On the left, there is also a wardrobe, a mirror, and a prayer mat. In my room there are also some clothes hangers. Even though it's simple, but I'm happy to live in it. The name of this article is:
I have a bedroom. There is a comfortable bed and a small study table. On the study table is a red laptop, a small pencil case, and a ruler. On the right, there is a fan and a chair. On the left, there is also a wardrobe, a mirror, and a prayer mat. In my room there are also some clothes hangers. Even though it's simple, but I'm happy to live in it. The name of this article is
I have a bedroom. There is a comfortable bed and a small study table. On the study table is a red laptop, a small pencil case, and a ruler. On the right, there is a fan and a chair. On the left, there is also a wardrobe, a mirror, and a prayer mat. In my room there are also some clothes hangers. Even though it's simple, but I'm happy to live in it. The name of this article is:
I have a bedroom. There is a comfortable bed and a small study table. On the study table is a red laptop, a small pencil case, and a ruler. On the right, there is a fan and a chair. On the left, there is also a wardrobe, a mirror, and a prayer mat. In my room there are also some clothes hangers. Even though it's simple, but I'm happy to live in it. The name of this article is
maaf ya kalau ada kata yang salah