October 2018 1 17 Report
Zad 1. Match 1-5 with a-e to make sentences
1. They aren't thirsty because
2. Would you like to go to the new Bond film or
3 She dosen't need to come round to help because
4 . I'm sure they would like to spend the morning at the castle because
5 . are you going to call the travel agent or

a. they haven't been there yet
b.they've just had two cups of tea
c. have you already done that?
d. have you seen it already?
e. they've already done everything.

zad2.choose the bast word from the brackets and put it in the correct place in the sentence.
sally : ben,have you found your tent(just,yet)
ben ,have you found your tent yet ?
ben : No, I haven't looked for it (yet/already)
sally : helen ,have you bought a sleeping bag>(already/just)
helen : I don't need to ,I've got a sleeping bag.(already/just)
Sally : goog.I've been busy - I've got the dreied food (already / yet)
ben :Great and I've bought six cans of cola.(yet/ just)
Helen : yes, I have and I've packed it.(already/ yet)
sally : have you printed out the maps from the internet?(just/ yet)
ben : Oh, sorry. i haven't done that.(yet/just)
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