Released in 2020, this song tells the story of a person who is heartbroken because the person he likes loves a woman named Heather. In an interview, Conan Gray called 'Heather' the most honest story of his love life at the time.
I like the song "love is Gone" because it's about a person begging his girlfriend not to leave him. This song is very pleasant to listen to, and this song can make me enjoy when listening to it. That's why I ended up liking this "Love is Gone" song
Saya suka lagu "love is Gone" karena ini tentang seseorang yang memohon kepada pacarnya untuk tidak meninggalkannya. Lagu ini sangat enak di dengar, dan lagu ini bisa membuat saya enjoy saat mendengarkannya. Itu sebabnya saya akhirnya menyukai lagu "Love is Gone" ini
I'm so very like with a love is gone song by Slander. The song is about someone who can not accept his beloved is gone. And then beuse his beloved was leaves him, he feels so lonely, weak, and always want his beloved back to him
aku sangat menyukai lagu love is gone dari Slander. lagu ini menceritakan seseorang yang tidak bisa menerima kenyataan bahwa kekasihnya meninggalkannya. dan karena itu dia merasa sangat kesepian, lemah, dan selalu ingin kekasihnya kembali lagi kepadanya
lagu heather
Released in 2020, this song tells the story of a person who is heartbroken because the person he likes loves a woman named Heather. In an interview, Conan Gray called 'Heather' the most honest story of his love life at the time.
I'm so very like with a love is gone song by Slander. The song is about someone who can not accept his beloved is gone. And then beuse his beloved was leaves him, he feels so lonely, weak, and always want his beloved back to him