September 2018 1 86 Report
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Sekolah Menengah PertamaB. inggris 5+3 poin Report Tex The Venus Fly Trap Venus fly trap is a carnivorous plant that catches, di- gest, and animal preymostly insects and arachnids . Its trapping structure is formed by the terminal portion of each of the plant's leaves and is triggered by tiny hairs on their inner surfaces. When an insect or spider crawling along the leaves contracts a hair, the trap closes if a different hair is contacted nutritional value within twenty seconds of the first strike. Mechanism of trapping 10. The mechanism by which the trap snaps shut involves a complex interaction between elasticity, turgor and growth. In the open, untripped state, the lobes are convex (bent outwards), but in the closed state, the lobes are concave (forming a cavity) Digestion If the prey is unable to escape, it will continue to stimulate the inner surface of the lobes, and this causes a further growth response the forces the edges of the lobes together, eventually sealing the trap hermetically and forming a stomach in which digestion occurs. Enzymes secreted by glands in the lobes catalyze digestion. The venus is found in nitrogen, and phospho rus poor environments such as bogs and we savannah. Small in stature and slow growing, the venus fly trap tolerates fire well, and depends on periodic burning to suppres its competition. Fire suppresion threatens its future in the wild. It survives in wet sandy and pea soils. Although it has been successfully transplanted and grown in many locales around the world, it is found natively only in North and South Caro- lina in the United States, specifically within a 60 mile radius of Wilmington, Carolina. Kesimpulan dari bacaan diatas adalah
Report Tex The Venus Fly Trap Venus fly trap is a carnivorous plant that catches, di- gest, and animal preymostly insects and arachnids . Its trapping structure is formed by the terminal portion of each of the plant's leaves and is triggered by tiny hairs on their inner surfaces. When an insect or spider crawling along the leaves contracts a hair, the trap closes if a different hair is contacted nutritional value within twenty seconds of the first strike. Mechanism of trapping 10. The mechanism by which the trap snaps shut involves a complex interaction between elasticity, turgor and growth. In the open, untripped state, the lobes are convex (bent outwards), but in the closed state, the lobes are concave (forming a cavity) Digestion If the prey is unable to escape, it will continue to stimulate the inner surface of the lobes, and this causes a further growth response the forces the edges of the lobes together, eventually sealing the trap hermetically and forming a stomach in which digestion occurs. Enzymes secreted by glands in the lobes catalyze digestion. The venus is found in nitrogen, and phospho rus poor environments such as bogs and we savannah. Small in stature and slow growing, the venus fly trap tolerates fire well, and depends on periodic burning to suppres its competition. Fire suppresion threatens its future in the wild. It survives in wet sandy and pea soils. Although it has been successfully transplanted and grown in many locales around the world, it is found natively only in North and South Caro- lina in the United States, specifically within a 60 mile radius of Wilmington, Carolina. Kesimpulan dari bacaan diatas adalah

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