Jezyk angielski przrczytaj tekst i odpowiedz na pytania, prosze o zrobienie zadan i napisanie wyoowiedzi pisemnej
Pytanie 2 : Patrick~s day holiday is in the Canada , United kingdom , Australia ,United states, Argentina and New zeland. Pytanie 2:patrics day celebrate in the worldwide. pytanie 3:people eating irish food,drink irish drink and attending parades. pytanie 4: we can see parades in the canada and USA. PYTANIE 5:In the STpatrick day parcipate their rivers and lakes green. pytanie 6: In this day people wearning green colour.
Pytanie 2:patrics day celebrate in the worldwide.
pytanie 3:people eating irish food,drink irish drink and attending parades.
pytanie 4: we can see parades in the canada and USA.
PYTANIE 5:In the STpatrick day parcipate their rivers and lakes green.
pytanie 6: In this day people wearning green colour.
super jak pomogłam to podziękujXD