“Jeszcze raz" is a new polish romantic comedy. The film is directed by Mariusz Malec based on a screenplay by Ilona Łepkowska and Erwin Wencel. The story is about how a mature and youthful love is born in the same time. Anna (Danuta Stenka, Kasia's mother) is a spontaneous, attractive forty years old woman with a great sense of humor. Her style it is a trousers with big pocket and a simple t-shirt. Kasia (Ania Antonowicz) is not a typical teenagers. She don't like parties and is not interesting in boys, but then she eats a healthy food and practices an yoga. Michał (Jan Frycz) is a handsome, arrange and wealthy lawyer. Paweł (Przemek Cypriański) has twenty years, loves live, beautiful girls and fun. What will bring their together... ? "Jeszcze raz" is a great comedy to be enjoyed by both women and guys, though probably for slightly different reasons. Women likes films with happy-ending and about love, boys are likely to be impressed by the pretty actresses, no doubt about it. The script is witty, humorous and the acting by Danuta Stenka and Jan Frycz are excellent. Beautiful photography of wide open spaces in mountain and sea makes the film pleasant to watch. I recommend it! If you looking for a good polish comedy this it is. Prosze o sprawdzenie gdyz nie wiem czy jest dobrze to napisane. z góry dziękuje
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Once again is a new polish romantic comedy. The film is directed by Mariusz Malec based on a screenplay by Ilona Łepkowska and Erwin Wencel. The story is about how a mature and youthful love is born in the same time. Anna (Danuta Stenka, Kasia's mother) is a spontaneous, attractive forty years old woman with a great sense of humor. Her style is trousers with big pocket and a simple t-shirt. Kasia (Ania Antonowicz) is not a typical teenager. She doesn't like parties and is not interested in boys, but then she eats a healthy food and practices yoga. Michał (Jan Frycz) is a handsome, arranged and wealthy lawyer. Paweł (Przemek Cypriański) has twenty years, loves life, beautiful girls and fun. What will bring their together... ? Once again is a great comedy to be enjoyed by both women and guys, though probably for slightly different reasons. Women like films with happy-ending and about love, guys are likely to be impressed by the pretty actresses, no doubt about it. The script is witty, humorous and the acting by Danuta Stenka and Jan Frycz are excellent. Beautiful photography of wide open spaces in mountain and sea makes the film pleasant to the eye.
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