Jestes zainteresowany oferta jednej ze szkol jezykowych w irlandii i chcialbys poznac wiecej szczegulow zwiazanych z konkretnym kursem jezykowym. napisz list. -okresl cel listu i przectaw sie -napisz jaki jest twoj poziom angielskiegoi jakim kursem jestes zainteresowany - dowiedz sie jaki jest koszt kursu i popros o przyslanie ulotki - zapytaj jak liczne sa grupy i z jakich krajow najczesciej pochodza uczestnicy konkursow
dane zamiesc przykladowej osoby. PROSZE I DZIEKUJE
I am writing in connection with the advertisement for your language course which I found in the latest issue of Your English Magazine. I am a 18-year-old student from Poland and I go to secondary school in Warsaw. I am interested in English grammar course for intermediate students. I would grade my speaking skills as good but I would like to improve grammar. Firstly, I would like to know what the price of the course is. I would also be very grateful if you could send me some leaflets on courses you run. Secondly, could you please let me know how big the groups are and from what countries the students mostly come. Thank you in advance for your time and assistance. I look forward to hearing from you.
I am writing in connection with the advertisement for your language course which I found in the latest issue of Your English Magazine. I am a 18-year-old student from Poland and I go to secondary school in Warsaw.
I am interested in English grammar course for intermediate students. I would grade my speaking skills as good but I would like to improve grammar.
Firstly, I would like to know what the price of the course is. I would also be very grateful if you could send me some leaflets on courses you run.
Secondly, could you please let me know how big the groups are and from what countries the students mostly come.
Thank you in advance for your time and assistance.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Yours faithfully,
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