Jesteś ze znajomymi na wakacjach pod namiotami. Podczas ich nieobecności ktoś was okradł. Zostaw im WIADOMOŚĆ, w której: • opowiesz, co się stało, • opiszesz złodzieja, • wyjaśnisz, do kąd się udałaś. (Długość wiadomości powinna wynosić od 50 do 100 słów) Prooszę, pomóżcie :)
(Piszcie od razu po angielsku)
Emma, Frank, We have problems! Someone broke into our tent! I went fishing in the morning and when I came back I saw a man walking out of our tent. He was short and plump. He ws wearing a black cap and a green jacket. I couldn't see his face. I went to the nearest police station. I hope they will find that man. He took all our phones and Frank's tablet.
We have problems! Someone broke into our tent! I went fishing in the morning and when I came back I saw a man walking out of our tent. He was short and plump. He ws wearing a black cap and a green jacket. I couldn't see his face. I went to the nearest police station. I hope they will find that man. He took all our phones and Frank's tablet.