Jesteś współorganizatorem zawodów sportowych w szkole w anglii.Napisz ogłoszenie informujące o tych zawodach : 1.Określ dyscypline sportu i rodzaj zawodów. 2.Podaj miejsce i termin. 3.Poinformuj jak można zgłaszać swój udział. 4.Zachęć wszystkich do uczestnictwa Prosze o pomoc:):)
In our school is going to be "Sport Day". We decided, that the main sport will be football. Every class should have 8 people team with girls and boys. We will meet in our school gym, 2nd May at 3 p.m. The best team will win sweets for the class and 500$. If you would like to take part, tell it to Mr. Smith.
On Monday, 22th June there will be sport competition in our school. The main event will be one mile run. Of course there will be more disciplines, like: swimming, javenile throw,long jump and high jump. The event will take a place on sport's facilitie. If you want to join in any of following disciplines let know your teacher. Everyone should join us, it is going to be great fun!
In our school is going to be "Sport Day". We decided, that the main sport will be football. Every class should have 8 people team with girls and boys. We will meet in our school gym, 2nd May at 3 p.m. The best team will win sweets for the class and 500$. If you would like to take part, tell it to Mr. Smith.
On Monday, 22th June there will be sport competition in our school. The main event will be one mile run. Of course there will be more disciplines, like: swimming, javenile throw,long jump and high jump. The event will take a place on sport's facilitie. If you want to join in any of following disciplines let know your teacher. Everyone should join us, it is going to be great fun!