Jesteś w Anglii, gdzie po dwóch tygodniach poszukiwań znalazłeś pracę. Napisz do koleżanki z Irlandii krótką wiadomość e-mail, w której:
*opiszesz co to za praca i jakie masz obowiązki
*wyjaśnisz jak udało Ci się ją znaleźć
*poinformujesz jak długo zamierzasz tam pracować
*wspomnisz czy jesteś zadowolona z pracy
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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I finally found a job as a gardener, a nearby zoo. But just coincidence it happened. One day I went to the zoo with my cousin. We walk you through the path and comes to us on the road baby giraffe. Walked quietly to her. Looked around me and there is no person with the staff. I've noticed that far There is the security guard. I asked my cousin to come to him and told him that a giraffeescaped. I then offered me a job to look after small pets in the zoo. It is the work I like.I'll try to stay here as long as possible.Kisses.