Jesteś studentką twój kuzyn który wybiera się na Uniwersytet w przyszłym roku napisał do ciebie z prośbą o radę gdzie najlepiej mieszkać w czasie studiów : -powiedz co ostatnio porabiałeś -opisz zalety i wady mieszkania w akademiku do spółki z kimś -zaproponuj żeby przyjechał do ciebie i zobaczył jak wygląda miejsce w którym mieszkasz . rozwiń swoją wypowiedź w każdym z 3 podpunktów . Długość tekstu powinna wynosić 80 -130 słów. Prooooosze , bardzo prosze o szybka odpowiedz :)
Hi Tom! I'm glad that I've got you letter. We haven't seen each other for so long and I miss you. I hope you're well. My mum said that you're going on University next year. I'll be happy if I could help you. I live with my friends. I think it's great idea to have flatmates. You should think about that. If you live with someone else, there's always fun and you just don't feel lonely. Of course there are also other advantages like helping each other. As disadvantages we can take that there's not so quite if you live with more than one person. Sometimes silence is necessary to study or to rest. I think you should come and visit me, I could show you everything. How is that to live with someone else and how student's life looks like Last weekend me and my friends, we had a little party. But that was the best party ever! I wish you wasn't there. That's all for now. I hope I'll see you soon. Lots of love.
I'm glad that I've got you letter. We haven't seen each other for so long and I miss you. I hope you're well.
My mum said that you're going on University next year. I'll be happy if I could help you. I live with my friends. I think it's great idea to have flatmates. You should think about that. If you live with someone else, there's always fun and you just don't feel lonely. Of course there are also other advantages like helping each other.
As disadvantages we can take that there's not so quite if you live with more than one person. Sometimes silence is necessary to study or to rest.
I think you should come and visit me, I could show you everything. How is that to live with someone else and how student's life looks like
Last weekend me and my friends, we had a little party. But that was the best party ever! I wish you wasn't there.
That's all for now. I hope I'll see you soon.
Lots of love.