jesteś na wakajach u cioci Irlandki. Koleżanka zaprosiła cię do swojego domu na parę godzin. chciałabyś poinformować o tym ciocię, ale wiesz, że nie ma przy sobie telefonu.
Napisz do niej wiadomość w ktorej:
-wyjaśnisz dokąd sie wybierasz
-obiecasz jej pomoc w poządkach po powrocie
-poprosisz zeby odebrała cie od kolezanki o okreslonej godzinie
daję naj!
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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Dear aunt,
My friend has invited me to her for a few hours. I will go to her. I hope you don't mind going there. I promise I'll help you tidy all house when I come back. I will do what you want. If you can come and take me from my friend at 7 o'clock because there aren't any buses.
Dear aunt.
I went to my friend - Asia.
I know, that I must clean up my room. I promise you , I'll do this, when I come back.
And please. If you can, pick up me from her at 9 o'clock. The address you have in your notebook.
Love, Jane.