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-poinformujesz co robisz podczas wakacji
-opiszesz ciekawe miejsca, które zwiedziłaś
-opowiesz jakie prezenty zamierzasz kupić dla przyjaciół
proszę o szybką odp. daje naj:)
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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Hi friends
I'm on holiday! I'm in Egipt! Here is fantastic!
Today I was watching pyramids in Giza.
I was also visit a lot of museums and of course I swim in the sea.
I'm going to buy some presents for you for example mini pyramids and mummy :D
I don;t want to come back :D
Hi (tu wpisz imiona przyjaciół)
How are you doing? I am now on holiday in Cuba. It's great! Everyday I go to a beautiful sandy beach and bathe with family and newfound friends in the blue ocean. Yesterday explored beautifully coffee plantation in the south-eastern part Kuby.Było there all the time in the air a lovely smell of coffee. I bought you souvenirs: for (imie) chose three beautifully postcards and cup with painted palm trees, for (imię) earrings and a necklace of shells and for (imię) bransoltkę color. I miss you very much, I hope to see you soon too. For now! XYZ