Jesteś na obozie sportowym napisz email w którym: -przeprosisz ze długo nie pisałes podaj powód -Poinformujesz gdzie jestes i jak spędzasz czas - Opowiesz o swoim ulubionym sporcie. Na jutro prosze o pomoc.
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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Hi, Jack
How are you? I hope you are ok.
Sorry for not writing for too long. I didn't have a lot of time. I want to tell you that I'm in the sport camp now. This camp is in London. I am having a really good time. We play a basketball every Monday. On Friday we play the volleyball. It is my favourite sport. I like playing volleyball and I get on well on it. I like sport team at all but in my opinion volleyball is the best sport in the world. I have a lot of achieve on it. I like going on a sport competition.
That's all for now. Please, write to me. I will be wait for e-mail from you.
Love, XYZ