Jesteś na obozie językowym w Anglii. Mieszkasz u angielskiej rodziny ale niestety dzielisz bardzo mały pokój z innym uczniem z Francji. Napisz wiadomosc ktora przeslesz e-mailem dp pzryjaciela miezskacjacego wtej samej miejscowosci. -poinformuj go o przyjezdzie do Anglii -opisz swoje niezadowolenie z miejsca pobytu -wyjasnij dlaczego pokój ci nie odpowiada -popros przyjaciela o pomoc w znalezieniu innego miejsca.
I have just arrived to England. I'm on this language camp that you recommend me. It's quite good but I'm unhappy which place where I need to live. I need to share small room which some French guy. It even don't have TV or radio, and we don't have our shower so I need to use public bath. Can you help me with finding other place to live, I think that you can find better one.
I have just arrived to England. I'm on this language camp that you recommend me. It's quite good but I'm unhappy which place where I need to live. I need to share small room which some French guy. It even don't have TV or radio, and we don't have our shower so I need to use public bath. Can you help me with finding other place to live, I think that you can find better one.
Yours, Xyz