Jesteś na niezbyt udanych wakacjach nad morzem. Napisz pocztówkę do swojego kolegi z USA. W treści pocztówki:
* wyjaśnij, gdzie jesteś,
* opisz ,miejsce zakwaterowania,
* powiedz, jaka jest pogoda,
* opisz swoje wrażenia.
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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Hi [imię kolegi],
I hope you are OK. I would like to inform You that I am on holidays in Spain.
We chose a nice hotel but in real I am a bit dissapointed.
Everything looks very bad. My room looks very uncomfortable and food is even worst !
Now I see it was very bad choice ..
What's about weather ? I really have no luck. It's raining, all the time.
I can't go to the beach because of rain, I don't know why this happened to me. I am mad.
What can I think about it ? I think these are my worst holidays.
You shouldn't arrive for holidays here, never ! Don't forget about it, it's waste of the time.
I am back home soon !
Kisses (albo coś innego albo bez tego]
[Twoje imię]
Mam nadzieję, że jest dobrze ; )