Jesteś na kursie językowym w Anglii. Twoja grupa postanowiła zorganizować spotkanie z policjantem. Przygotuj zaproszenie reklamujące to wydarzenie. W ogłoszeniu:
• poinformuj, jakie tematy zostaną poruszone podczas spotkania • przedstaw gościa, którego zaprosiliście na spotkanie • napisz, gdzie i kiedy odbędzie się to wydarzenie. • ogłoszeni powinno zawierać od 50 do około 100 słów
I would like to invite you all to a meeting with a representative of the local police on Fridy at 4.00 PM.
During the meeting the following topics will be addressed:
-road safety
- cybersecurity
Our guest, Deputy Chief Constable Adam Widward is the deputy director of the local police. His carrier is impressive: over 20 years of work on the service of our community and many successful actions during safety assurance of our community.
I would like to invite you all to a meeting with a representative of the local police on Fridy at 4.00 PM.
During the meeting the following topics will be addressed:
-road safety
- cybersecurity
Our guest, Deputy Chief Constable Adam Widward is the deputy director of the local police. His carrier is impressive: over 20 years of work on the service of our community and many successful actions during safety assurance of our community.
Looking forward to see you at the meeting.