Jelaskan pengertian : -to give and respond to instructions -to give and respond to invitation -to give and respond to prohibition -to ask for a permission beserta contohnya!
- to give and respond to instructions ( memberi dan menanggapi perintah ) : A : Please open the door! B : I'll do that
- to give and respond to invitation ( memberi dan menanggapi undangan ) : A : I have a small party tomorrow, can you go there? B : Okay, thanks for your invitation.
- to give and respond to prohibition ( memberi dan menanggapi larangan ) : A : You are prohibited to open the dictionary. B : Sorry, ma'am
- to ask for a permission ( meminta izin ) : A : May I go to the toilet ma'am? B : Sure, but you must back in 10 minutes.
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-to ask for permission: a.may i trow the rubish? b.may i eat the ice cream
- to give and respond to invitation ( memberi dan menanggapi undangan ) :
A : I have a small party tomorrow, can you go there? B : Okay, thanks for your invitation.
- to give and respond to prohibition ( memberi dan menanggapi larangan ) :
A : You are prohibited to open the dictionary. B : Sorry, ma'am
- to ask for a permission ( meminta izin ) :
A : May I go to the toilet ma'am? B : Sure, but you must back in 10 minutes.
a.may i trow the rubish?
b.may i eat the ice cream