Jelaskan apa yang menjadi latar belakang lahirnya GAPI ?
Pimpinan GAPI dipegang oleh M.H. Thamrin (Parindra), Mr. Amir Syarifuddin (Gerindo), dan Abikusno Tjokrosuyoso Tujuan didirikannya GAPI adalah untuk membentuk kekuatan nasional baru dengan cara bersatu. The motive factors of forming the Indonesian Political Alliance were as follows. Faktor pendorong pembentukan GAPI adalah sebagai berikut.
On May 21, 1939 M.H. Thamrin founded a new organization, that was the Indonesian Political Alliance. It was an alliance of represent aliance of the Great Indonesian Party, the Indonesian People Movement, Unity of Minahasa, the Indonesian Islamic Party, the Indonesia Catholic Party, Pasundan, and the Indonesia Islamic Union Party.
The leadership of the Indonesian Political Alliance was held by M.H. Thamrin (the Great Indonesian Party), Mr. Amir of Syarifuddin (the Indonesian People Move-ment), and Abikusno Tjokrosuyoso (the Indonesia Islamic Union Party). The aim of founding of the Indonesian Political Alliance was to form new national power by uniting.
a. First factor was to mobilize power of mass, hence motivation from within to form arcollective institution arose.
b. Second factor was the existence of motivation from outside in the form of Japanese threat which would immediately arise, because by then Japanese had started to make a move southward.
a. Faktor pertama adalah untuk memobilisasikan kekuatan massa, maka timbul dorongan dari dalam untuk membentuk sebuah wadah bersama.
b. Faktor kedua adalah adanya dorongan dari luar berupa ancaman Jepang yang segera timbul, karena pada waktu itu Jepang sudah mulai bergerak ke selatan.
The major aim of the Indonesian Political Alliance was "Indonesia had Parliament" and putting forward the socioeconomic problems. Then it released "the Indonesian Political Alliance Manifest" in September 1939, to invite the Indonesia people and the Dutch people cooperated to oppose the fascism danger.
Tujuan utama GAPI adalah "Indonesia Berparlemen" dan memajukan masalah-masalah sosial-ekonomi. Kemudian GAPI mengeluarkan "Manifest GAPT' pada bulan September 1939, untuk mengajak rakyat Indonesia dan rakyat Belanda bekerja sama menghadapi bahaya fasisme.
For the bliss of and prosperity of resident, on December 24, 1939, the Indonesian Political Alliance formed an institution called the Congress of the Indonesian People in the regions.
Untuk kebahagiaan dan kesejahteraan penduduk, pada tanggal 24. Desember 1939, GAPI membentuk sebuah badan yang bernama KRI (Kongres Rakyat Indonesia) di daerah-daerah.
On May 21, 1939 M.H. Thamrin founded a new organization, that was the Indonesian Political Alliance. It was an alliance of represent aliance of the Great Indonesian Party, the Indonesian People Movement, Unity of Minahasa, the Indonesian Islamic Party, the Indonesia Catholic Party, Pasundan, and the Indonesia Islamic Union Party.
The leadership of the Indonesian Political Alliance was held by M.H. Thamrin (the Great Indonesian Party), Mr. Amir of Syarifuddin (the Indonesian People Move-ment), and Abikusno Tjokrosuyoso (the Indonesia Islamic Union Party). The aim of founding of the Indonesian Political Alliance was to form new national power by uniting.
a. First factor was to mobilize power of mass, hence motivation from within to form arcollective institution arose.
b. Second factor was the existence of motivation from outside in the form of Japanese threat which would immediately arise, because by then Japanese had started to make a move southward.
a. Faktor pertama adalah untuk memobilisasikan kekuatan massa, maka timbul dorongan dari dalam untuk membentuk sebuah wadah bersama.
b. Faktor kedua adalah adanya dorongan dari luar berupa ancaman Jepang yang segera timbul, karena pada waktu itu Jepang sudah mulai bergerak ke selatan.
The major aim of the Indonesian Political Alliance was "Indonesia had Parliament" and putting forward the socioeconomic problems. Then it released "the Indonesian Political Alliance Manifest" in September 1939, to invite the Indonesia people and the Dutch people cooperated to oppose the fascism danger.
Tujuan utama GAPI adalah "Indonesia Berparlemen" dan memajukan masalah-masalah sosial-ekonomi. Kemudian GAPI mengeluarkan "Manifest GAPT' pada bulan September 1939, untuk mengajak rakyat Indonesia dan rakyat Belanda bekerja sama menghadapi bahaya fasisme.
For the bliss of and prosperity of resident, on December 24, 1939, the Indonesian Political Alliance formed an institution called the Congress of the Indonesian People in the regions.
Untuk kebahagiaan dan kesejahteraan penduduk, pada tanggal 24. Desember 1939, GAPI membentuk sebuah badan yang bernama KRI (Kongres Rakyat Indonesia) di daerah-daerah.