Odwiedziła cię dawno niewidziana kuzyn/ka. W liście do wspólnego znajomego z Anglii napisz:-kiedy rozpoczęła się wizyta kuzyna/ki.-jak od ostatniego spotkanie zmienił się jego/jej wygląd.-jak zmienił się jego/jej styl ubierania.Podpisz się jako XYZ. Rozwiń swoją wypowiedź w każdym z trzech podpunktów, pamiętając, że długość tekstu powinna wynosić od 50 do 100 słów. Oferuję dużo punktów i proszę o nie używanie translatora.
Hi Steve! Thanks for your last letter. My cousin Amy came yesterday! She came here by bus. Her trip lasted only 3 hours. Do you remember her? She look really good. She is taller than one year ago, and her hair are much longer. Now she is wearing glasses, but I think that's pretty cool. Last year she didn't wear any skirts or dresses. Now she like it. She has many jewellery, not like last year. I want you to visited us too! See you, XYZ
Thanks for your last letter. My cousin Amy came yesterday! She came here by bus. Her trip lasted only 3 hours. Do you remember her? She look really good. She is taller than one year ago, and her hair are much longer. Now she is wearing glasses, but I think that's pretty cool. Last year she didn't wear any skirts or dresses. Now she like it. She has many jewellery, not like last year. I want you to visited us too!
See you,