W trakcie pobytu na stypendium za granicą jesteś odpowiedzialna/ny za prowadzenie infolinii dla młodzieży z uzależnieniami. Obierasz telefon od studenta/tki, który/a ma poważny problem. W trakcie rozmowy:
*zapytaj na czym polega jego/jej problem
*wyjaśnij, w jaki sposób wasza organizacja może pomóc
*poproś o zostawienie numeru kontaktowego
To ma być dialog!!!
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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- Hello? Is it addiction center in Wrexham?
- Yes, what can I help you?
- So I have a very big problem. Recently, I met my friend from the old school, she has now changed! Curses, drink alcohol, smoke cigarettes and marijuana abuse. We met on a daily basis, because I wanted her to pull away from those ugly things. But the opposite happened. She pulled me into his addiction. The most reflects on my family, and my younger sister is devastated. Avoids me all the time, it asks where her beloved sister That - Nicol (about me). He's afraid of me, and through it all the time crying. I do not know what I do, I love her so much.
- I understand. Already many people have called here with such problems. I could know how old you are?
- 16.
- Oh, baby, you're very young. So you do not meet for the world with this friend that you drew in the habit. ! Four times a week, you will come to talk to me and so together overcome this bad habit!.
- Thank you.!
- Give me your contact number yet.
- 00967362882.
- Thank you. Remember that you can always count us. See you there!
- Goodbye.