October 2018 2 48 Report
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Tolong translate'kan beberapa kalimat di bawah ini menjadi Bahasa Inggris, tolong spelling & grammar nya jangan sembarangan. Siapa yang tidak mengenal pasar? Tentu saja kata pasar sudah tidak asing lagi di telinga kita para masyarakat kecil. Di sini saya akan menyampaikan apa yang telah saya amati saat saya mengunjungi pasar modern di dekat rumah saya. Tempat itu bernama hypermart, tidak seperti pasar tradisional yang luas dan murah, pasar modern ini lebih kecil tapi kualitas dengan harga yang mungkin di atas harga di pasar tradisional. Di pasar modern yang saya kunjungi hanya beberapa orang saja yang terlihat bercengkrama dengan orang lain, karena mereka tahu tempat ini tidak seperti pasar tradisional yang barang kita inginkan dapat ditawar dengan mudah. Jika ditanya tentang kesegaran, kualitas, dan kenyamanan tempat, pasar modern hampir tidak bisa dikalahkan oleh pasar biasa. Itu karena mereka telah menjamin segala di tempat itu aspek seperti kebersihan, barang, dan karyawan agar konsumen mereka dapat merasa puas. Lain halnya dengan pasar biasa, barang yang sudah dibeli di pasar modern tidak dapat dikembalikan lagi. Kata pasar sering kali kita dengar di kehidupan sehari-hari, apalagi bagi anak anak kos seperti saya. Pasar merupakan tempat berkumpulnya para pedagang. Ada banyak sekali kegiatan yang dilakukan di pasar mulai dari para penjual yang menjajarkan barang dagangannya dan juga bar konsumen yaitu para pembeli yang berlalu lalang mencari barang barang yang diinginkannya, dan pasar merupakan tempat berkumpulnya para pedagang, seperti pedagang sayur, Sembako, buah-buahan, dan lain lain. Kegiatan di pasar ini selalu ramai dari pagi hingga sore hari. Tetapi tidak menutup kemungkinan malam juga masih ada kegiatan jual beli tetapi mungkin kegiatan tersebut hanya dilakukan antar pedagang saja. Yang kemudian hal dari kegiatan jual beli malam tersebut dijual lagi pada pagi hingga sore kepada masyarakat yang datang ke pasar untuk belanja. para konsumen biasanya paling bayak datang kepada ketika pagi dan sore hari, hal ini mungkin dikarenakan keadaan cuacanya yang tidak terlalu panas dan juga keadaan sayur-mayur yang masih dalam keadaan segar ketika pagi bahan bahan untuk memasak termasuk sayur-mayur. Ketika akan membeli biasanya para konsumen selalu menawarkan barang yang akan dibeli tersebut, termasuk saya duga selalu menawar ketika akan membeli sayur di pasar. Ada begitu banyak yang bisa kita amati ketika kita berada di pasar malam. Pada malam umat saya dan teman saya pergi ke pasar malam yang berada tepat di lapangan bola pramuka. Tujuan kami pergi kepada yaitu untuk membeli perlengkapan dapur., karena persediaan kami selama satu bulan sudah habis. Berbagai transaksi pun terjadi, ada yang menjual produk ada yang membeli dan bahkan ada yang menawar harga pun terjadi. Memang kejadian itu tidak begitu asing lagi di pasar malam itu. Mudah di tawar harganya serta tersedianya berbagai kebutuhan rumah tangga, sehingga konsumen tidak repot lagi untuk mencari persediaan bulanannya. Namun terdapat pula kena, ketika di sore hari turun hujan maka lapangan tempat pasar itu malam itu pun menjadi becek, dan akan membuat para pengunjung merasa tidak nyaman. Sehingga mengakibatkan pasar malam itu sepi.
Mencari jalan menuju hal yang tak ada, tolong jangan dijawab.. Activities of women who would I tell you this is my cousin named Widia, a child who went 16 years old, she was the doughter of his 4 of 5 brothers and sisters, she was born in the city of South Sulawesi Palopo. Widia activities do every day a lot, sometimes she asked his brothers to help her when she could not handle it, she's currently studying hard bench Vocational High School in grade 1. As a student in general Widia always learn to be able to complete the final exam in a few years to come, great value is the ultimate goal, because she wanted to get a college scholarship later. Widia is quiet person, she did not want to spend the time to have fun doing the necessary things, and that's why she has little female friends only. Every day at school activities completed Widia will clean the dirty house, helping her sister, hanging out with family every chance and probably also will visit his friends to discuss the lessons given by the teacher. Widia subjects like is history, she said history is the most important thing because almost every aspect that she knew had a history, so if she was bored she would read any book dealing with history. Widia always make their own food because both parents are busy working, she tries to eat regularly to stay healthy and will immediately clean up after eating food on his plate. His brothers are married and they even already have a child, Widia very fond of children and there is every chance she will come to his brothers children. Widia really like saving money, saving money is the thing she thinks she should do that every day she would need to save for the future later. Usually every afternoon Widia will play badminton with his sister or neighbor in front of the house for a healthy body, Widia is a great player, although she never won any contest. Perhaps there are many more activities other Widia that I can not tell, and there may be a few more activities that I do not know and, she did not tell me, but I think she is her despite whatever activity she is doing.
Activities of women who would I tell you this is my cousin named Widia, a child who went 16 years old, she was the doughter of his 4 of 5 brothers and sisters, she was born in the city of South Sulawesi Palopo. Widia activities do every day a lot, sometimes she asked his brothers to help her when she could not handle it, she's currently studying hard bench Vocational High School in grade 1. As a student in general Widia always learn to be able to complete the final exam in a few years to come, great value is the ultimate goal, because she wanted to get a college scholarship later. Widia is quiet person, she did not want to spend the time to have fun doing the necessary things, and that's why she has little female friends only. Every day at school activities completed Widia will clean the dirty house, helping her sister, hanging out with family every chance and probably also will visit his friends to discuss the lessons given by the teacher. Widia subjects like is history, she said history is the most important thing because almost every aspect that she knew had a history, so if she was bored she would read any book dealing with history. Widia always make their own food because both parents are busy working, she tries to eat regularly to stay healthy and will immediately clean up after eating food on his plate. His brothers are married and they even already have a child, Widia very fond of children and there is every chance she will come to his brothers children. Widia really like saving money, saving money is the thing she thinks she should do that every day she would need to save for the future later. Usually every afternoon Widia will play badminton with his sister or neighbor in front of the house for a healthy body, Widia is a great player, although she never won any contest. Perhaps there are many more activities other Widia that I can not tell, and there may be a few more activities that I do not know and, she did not tell me, but I think she is her despite whatever activity she is doing.
Tolong benerin kalimat bahasa inggris ini, saya sudah buat tapi ngak yakin kalau ini simple present tense tolong yang bisa koreksi ya. I just share the experience of one of my friends while in high school. Name is Rista. He's about 15 years old at the time of high school class of 12. I'll tell you a little about Rista activity in living activities as a student. Maybe if you could say he's just a school activity. So just doing his job and learning tasks. Every morning she always woke up at 05:00 pm to run Worship Sholah Fajr. Usually after the prayer he went to sleep again because still sleepy and it has become a habit. Then after it woke up again at 07.00 pm and get ready to take a bath and run the usual activities that high school student. If you could say the distance of my house is close enough to seklah about 15 minutes to get to school. He was very fortunate to have Karen home close to schools so he does not need to rush when going to school. Having reached the last school he met with his friends including me and I consider him as my second family. They are always entertaining Rista and I therefore rista and I am happy at school at the high school. In addition to the environment that supports teachers also very pleasant. Rista usually very serious while studying in class together with more friends. After school activities completed normally he does not go home first, but he busied time to gather with other friends while removing the burden and sorrow because of many things that can make a joke and I laughed him off. In addition to telling stories and laughing together we often discuss and learn together. After he spent time studying and hanging out with his friends he usually went home and got home around the time of the afternoon. Then he promptly ate it has become the habit of bathing, Asr prayer and helping her mother to clean the house before his father home from work around 17:00 pm. Around 18:00 pm he and his family have always run Worship Maghrib prayer in congregation and this is a very significant moment for her family to get closer to God with family. After Maghrib and Isha prayers in congregation with family biasany he immediately began to turn to learning and begin reviewing what had been dipelajarkan class. After studying and usually he began to pour His hobbies are watching a horror movie. From the first he loved and challenged once to watch a horror movie therefore if he was bored so he immediately poured hobby. In addition to watching a horror movie hobby he also was a hobby of watching Football. When he was on vacation so he often stayed up late to watch a favorite team is Real Madrid His ball. Therefore he is the type of woman who is very difficult to sleep quickly surely continue her midnight. And that I can brief story about the daily activities of my friends.

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