Jawablah pertanyaan dibawah ini dan artikan kedalam bahasa inggris
pada pagi hari saya bagun pagi setelah bagun saya membersihkan tempat tidur setelah itu saya pergi mandi setelah selesai mandi saya bergegas untuk pergi memakai baju setelah selesai memakai baju saya langsung makan setelah habis makan saya segera memakai sepatu dan siap berangkat kesekolah.
I awoke in the morning I get up in the morning after cleaning the bed after that I go take a shower after shower I rushed to go to wear when you're done wearing my clothes immediately after eating a meal after I immediately put on shoes and ready to go to school
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apanya sih yang di jawab, atau mau saja di artikan ??? itu artinya I awoke in the morning I get up in the morning after cleaning the bed after that I go take a shower after shower I rushed to go to wear when you're done wearing my clothes immediately after eating a meal after I immediately put on shoes and ready to go to school.
I awoke in the morning I get up in the morning after cleaning the bed after that I go take a shower after shower I rushed to go to wear when you're done wearing my clothes immediately after eating a meal after I immediately put on shoes and ready to go to school.