Jawaban pendapat sendiri!!pendapat ap yg cocok...please jwb no 7,8,9,10,11
7. Gorvernment must help people around tsunami area by sending packages full of supplies to help them who needed
8. Yes, they do
9. Escape by any meaning
10. Government must put the TEWS ( Tsunami Early Warning System ) below the sea level to predict the next tsunami
11. Until now there has been no possible way to protect the area that vulnerable to tsunami, but there are many option to escape tsunami on the internet.
8. Yes, they do
9. Escape by any meaning
10. Government must put the TEWS ( Tsunami Early Warning System ) below the sea level to predict the next tsunami
11. Until now there has been no possible way to protect the area that vulnerable to tsunami, but there are many option to escape tsunami on the internet.