Drough which is (34)(a. happen) whis year is very long Even, in the last two month almost there was no rain. moreover, with the very (35)(a. hot) water makes surface of the soil is cracked and dry and (36)(d. caused) the dust to fly away. in addition, the water that is stored in the (37)(b. irrigation) couldn't be found anymore, so that there is no water which is flowing the farmers' rice. As a (38)(a. result) they suffered a failure in harvesting ... the rice they planted is ... tho grow caused by this drought.
maaf, 2 jawaban lagi gak ada dikarenakan gak lengkap
Drough which is (34)(a. happen) whis year is very long Even, in the last two month almost there was no rain. moreover, with the very (35)(a. hot) water makes surface of the soil is cracked and dry and (36)(d. caused) the dust to fly away. in addition, the water that is stored in the (37)(b. irrigation) couldn't be found anymore, so that there is no water which is flowing the farmers' rice. As a (38)(a. result) they suffered a failure in harvesting ... the rice they planted is ... tho grow caused by this drought.
maaf, 2 jawaban lagi gak ada dikarenakan gak lengkap