December 2022 1 14 Report
Jamie is carrying out an investigation. Jamie uses this equipment: tap water no sugar sugar solution 1: 10 g sugar sugar solution 2: 20 g sugar 9 identical cups measuring cylinder These are the steps in Jamie's investigation. Step 1: He labels three cups ‘tap water’. Step 2: He measures and pours 200 mL of tap water into each labelled cup. Step 3: He labels three cups ‘sugar solution 1’. Step 4: He measures and pours 200 mL of sugar solution 1 into each labelled cup. Step 5: He labels three cups ‘sugar solution 2’. Step 6: He measures and pours 200 mL of sugar solution 2 into each labelled cup. Step 7: Jamie places all of the cups together in a sunny area outside. After three days he uses the measuring cylinder to measure how much solution remains in each cup. Question prompt and response areaFill in all answer spaces Why did Jamie pour the same volume of each solution into three different cups?

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