December 2018 2 14 Report
Sebuah mobil massanya 1200 kg dengan seorang pengemudi massanya 50 kg bergerak dengan kelajuan 36 km/jam. tentukan enenrgi kinetik yang dimiliki oleh mobil beserta pegemudinya
a. 25000 joule
b. 42.500 joule
c. 48.000 joule
d. 62.500 joule
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My village name is 'Panchami' lies in the eastern part of my country Nepal. It is on the bank of the Arun river. It is big village with nearly 500 families. The village is occupied with nearly five thousand people. The density of population is normally uniform. The total population consists of various social groups but unity in diversity is completely practiced here. People are used to sharing their sorrows and happiness. Most of the buildings are traditional; they are made of mud and stones with thatched roofs. The buildings are almost hidden by the fruit trees. The roofs seem to be covered with creepers of vegetables. There is a high school at the center of the village. Each ward area has a primary school. Normally 50 percent of the population is occupied with literate and educated people. Most of the people depend on agriculture; some are officials as well. In the past, people used to trek along the foot trails but now a fine tarred road has been build. Electricity facility has just been provided to each of the houses. A small market has been established to supply the daily needs to the people. All the houses are supplied with clean drinking water. Although more people are uneducated, they are progressive in their opinion and behavior. Our village has not got polluted, that's why I'm extremely happy. May the god empower us to save my native place. 1. From the text we know that most of people in the village work as..... 2. The topic of the text is....

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