Jakimi czynnikami kierują się ludzie przy wyborze miejsca do życia ?
Czego można nauczyć się o człowieku patrząc na jego mieszkanie ?
Po angielsku 4 zdania. Będzie naj. Wszelkie głupie odpowiedzi zgłaszane są od razu do moderatora !
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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(1) Choice of place of residence is determined by many factors. (2) First of them is personal history, in country where renting a flat cost more than entry level job wages, people live with their parents until they are 25 or even 30. (3) When we choose our own domicile, we choose a place we can afford, the rest is a compromise between quiet neighborhood, short distance to shops, kindergartens and schools for planned kids, medical care and reasonable time of commuting to work.
(4) Nowadays, in Poland, the only thing we can learn about person from his/her place of residence is some rough idea of his/her wealth and income.