October 2018 2 69 Report

Jaki typ odnóży i narządy zmysłów mają muchy?

-odnóża grzebne

-odnóże skoczne

-odnóże pływne

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Wstaw podane czasowniki w czasie przeszłym, następnie ułuż pytania do podkreślinych fragmentów tekstu i odpowiedz na nie . I jeszcze jedno co prawda nie obowiązkowe ale jednak też mi na nim zależy otóż jeśli możecie to przetłumaczcie tekst. A tak ogólnie to proszę zróbcie to bo ja z anglika jestem zielona, dałam na to zadanie wszystkie punkty jakie miałam (13)Czasowniki:live, see, change, not, like, fall in love, tell, go, give, walk The Beauty and the Beast Once upon a time there was a girl called Beauty. She was very kind and beautiful. She 1) lived with her father in a small country house. One day the father 2) ......... to town. On his way back home he got lost in the forest. It was a cold night, he was hungry, but suddenly he 3) ....... a mysterious castle. He went inside and met a Beast there. The Beast said: " Tell your daughter to come here and you can go away." The tather come back home. He was very sad and he 4) .......... his daughter what happened. Beauty went north to the Beast's amazing castle. She 5)......... trought the forest and finally szhe saw the place and she met the Beast. First, she 6)...... him but he 7)......... her everything she wanted. She had a fantastic life in the castle ! One day, in spring , Beauty went to visit her father. The Beast missed Beauty so much that he almost died. When Beauty came back and saw the Beast, she cried and her tears 8)........... the Beast into a Prince because she 9) ............ with him! They got married and thery lived happily ever after. 1.Where ............................................... ?.................................................... .2. Who..............................................?................................................. .3. Did ...........................................?................................................ .4. When........................................?.............................................. .5. Why.......................................?............................................. .6. What...................................?......................................... .

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