Czy to zdanie jest dobrze zapisane i czy użyłam dobrego czasu? Oh, in my city has a lot of changes since two years.
PRZETŁUMACZ I NAPISZ JAKI TO CZAS: Zostało zbudowane wesołe miasteczko- to największa zmiana w moim mieście(czy coś w tym stylu)
Pierwsze zdanie powinno brzmieć: Oh, there has been a lot of changes in my city in the last two years. lub Oh, my city has changed a lot in the last two years. (czas Present Perfect)
Drugie zdanie: An amusement park has been built - it's the biggest change in my city. (czas Present Perfect)
Oh, there has been a lot of changes in my city in the last two years.
Oh, my city has changed a lot in the last two years.
(czas Present Perfect)
Drugie zdanie:
An amusement park has been built - it's the biggest change in my city.
(czas Present Perfect)