Most people thinkthat in Englandstillraining.However,there are someplacesin the east ofEngland,such asEssex, which are more"drythanLebanon" (a country inWestern Asia).
Weather forecastfor England
Westernpart ofEnglandis generally morerainthan the easternpart ofthe country.Some peoplereallyappreciatetheclimate, especially thosewho comefrom hot,rain-freeregions of the world.For those people,the Englishweather canbe veryfriendly.
FromNovember to theend of the yearis usuallygrayand gloomy, butas early as theend of January,the first signs ofspring-snowdrops.Right behindthemin Februaryfollowcrocus,daffodilsin Marchand tulips.Did you know thatin the north-west of Englanddaffodilsgrow wildin the wildaround theEnglishLakeDistrict(EnglishLakeDistrict).
Anglia (England) springweatheris sunnysometimescloudy.The summer isalwaysa prettyhotcloudless.In the autumnweather isusuallysunny, rainy,overcast sometimes.Winterweatherissnowy,coldpressureiswe can gowhen there is nofrost.
Most people thinkthat in Englandstillraining.However,there are someplacesin the east ofEngland,such asEssex, which are more"drythanLebanon" (a country inWestern Asia).
Weather forecastfor England
Westernpart ofEnglandis generally morerainthan the easternpart ofthe country.Some peoplereallyappreciatetheclimate, especially thosewho comefrom hot,rain-freeregions of the world.For those people,the Englishweather canbe veryfriendly.
FromNovember to theend of the yearis usuallygrayand gloomy, butas early as theend of January,the first signs ofspring-snowdrops.Right behindthemin Februaryfollowcrocus,daffodilsin Marchand tulips.Did you know thatin the north-west of Englanddaffodilsgrow wildin the wildaround theEnglishLakeDistrict(EnglishLakeDistrict).
Anglia (England) springweatheris sunnysometimescloudy.The summer isalwaysa prettyhotcloudless.In the autumnweather isusuallysunny, rainy,overcast sometimes.Winterweatherissnowy,coldpressureiswe can gowhen there is nofrost.