jak to sie wymawia po angielsku prosze napiszcie mi
Oh it seemed forever stopped today All the lonely hearts in London Caught a plane and flew away And all the best women are married All the handsome men are gay You feel deprived Yeah are you questioning your size? Is there a tumour in your humour, Are there bags under your eyes? Do you leave dents where you sit, Are you getting on a bit? Will you survive You must survive When there's no love in town This new century keeps bringing you down.
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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oł it simd forewer stoped tudej ol de lonli herts in london coucz a plejn end flou ałej end ol de best łumen ar meried ol the hendsom men ar gaj ju fil deprivd jea ar ju kłeszczyning jor sajz? is der a tumour in jor humour, ar der bags ander jour ajs? du ju liw dents łer ju sit, ar ju getting on a bit? łil ju surwajw ju must surwajw łen ders no low in tałn. dys nju senturi kips bringing ju dałn
http://translate.google.pl/?hl=pl&tab=wT To tłumacz google. Skopiuj i wklej to 'z angielskiego na polski', nastepnie to co ci wyjdzie ponownie skopiuj i tym razem wklej 'z polskieg na angielski'. Potem naciśnij megafonik po prawej stronie i będziesz mógł to odsłuchać ;)