Ludzie mogą segregować papier oraz używać go po parę razy. Z papieru można robić rożne dekoracje nawet z najmniejszych części. Na papierze można robić notatki i przekazywać je kolejnym pokoleniom.
People are capable of segregating paper and using it a few times after it. Various ornaments can be made from paper, even from it's smallest parts. Notes can be made in the paper and can be passed to next generations.
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kinmar03People can segregate paper and use it after a few times. On paper, you can make various decorations even the smallest parts. On paper, you can take notes and pass them on to future generations.
Jak będziesz miała takie zadania to wejdź na tłumacz google :D
Various ornaments can be made from paper, even from it's smallest parts.
Notes can be made in the paper and can be passed
to next generations.
On paper, you can make various decorations even the smallest parts.
On paper, you can take notes and pass them on to future generations.
Jak będziesz miała takie zadania to wejdź na tłumacz google :D