jak się czyta te wszystkie wyrazy In the UK, Christmas Eve meal begins at noon in the close family circle. Dinner, because it is difficult to speak of supper, consists of roast turkey and "burning pudding." In the evening on Christmas Eve, children hang their English stockings for the door to the next morning to find them filled with gifts.
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In de jukej, kristmas iw mil begins et nun in de klołs famili serkul. Diner, bikos it is difikalt tu spik of saper, konsist of rołst turki end berning puding. in de iwning on kristmas iw czildren heng deir inglisz stokings for de dor tu de nekst morning tu fajnd dem fild łif gifts.
nie da się identycznie tak jak się mówi, ale starałam się :)
in the jukej kristmas iw mil bigins at nuum in the klose famili sirkle dinner bikose it is difikult to spik of supper konsists of roost turkei end berning pudding in the iwning on kristmas iw czildren heng their inglisz stokings for the door to the nekst morning to faind them fild with gifts
nie wiem jak ci napisac przetłumaczenie "th"