Jak odmienić wyraz po angielsku ?Stopień równy,wyższy i najwyższy.Pomocyyy np.fast-faster-fastest A jak te zrobić ? Popular- easy- clean- quiet- long- good- comfortable-
Zgłoś nadużycie!
More popular the most popular easier the easiest cleaner the cleanest longer, the longest quieter the quietest good better the best more comfortable the most comfortable
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Popular,more popular,the most popular easy,easier,the easiest clean, cleaner,the cleanest quiet,quieter,the quietest long,longer, the longest good,better, the best comfortable, more comfortable, the most comfortable
0 votes Thanks 1
Popular- more popular-the most popular easy-easier-the easiest clean-cleaner-the cleanest quiet-quieter-the quitest long-longer-the longest good-better-the best-wyjątek comfortable-more comfortable-the most comfortable
easier the easiest
cleaner the cleanest
longer, the longest
quieter the quietest
good better the best
more comfortable the most comfortable
easy,easier,the easiest
clean, cleaner,the cleanest
quiet,quieter,the quietest
long,longer, the longest
good,better, the best
comfortable, more comfortable, the most comfortable
easy-easier-the easiest
clean-cleaner-the cleanest
quiet-quieter-the quitest
long-longer-the longest
good-better-the best-wyjątek
comfortable-more comfortable-the most comfortable