Jak napisać walentynkę po ang do kogokolwiek na min poł strony zeszytu potrzebne na teraz !!! daje maks
jak cos potrzebuje przykładowe NP
I wish you only godd thing on Valentine's Day idt
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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My love is you
my golden dreams
my dream come true
weave happy events
Your kisses goodnight
Your smile waking me in the morning
You inflaming the fire of love
that you are my source of joy
my safety, sweet peace
you are the life of my ...
Your Love dearer to me than the treasures around the world
you are the most expensive after all these years ..
ja ci dałam wierszyk
Each divine your smile
Thy eyes look beautiful
Your beauty bliss body
The noise in my head, in the twinkling of an eye
And kindled in me
Love his last breath
You want to taste the touch
I would like you to call meeting
Eh is just someone's hidden dream ...