my most unlucky day in my life was that I got as a punishment for a month in wakacje.kara depended on it that I could not go outside with his friends and I could not go with her parents to wakacje.gdy through the window I saw how my colleagues had fun playing in the ball play zazdrosciłem.ale them in class I thought myself that it was a mistake and that my punishment is deserved for me.
tłumaczenie:my most unlucky day in my life was that I got as a punishment for a month in wakacje.kara depended on it that I could not go outside with his friends and I could not go with her parents to wakacje.gdy through the window I saw how my colleagues had fun playing in the ball play zazdrosciłem.ale them in class I thought myself that it was a mistake and that my punishment is deserved for me.
sufit-ceiling :)
Moim najbardziej pechowym dniem było przewrócenie się przy całej szkole. Czułam się ośmieszona i upokorzona .Na zawsze zapamiętam ten dzień.
Iwasthe unluckiestdayoverturnthewhole school.I feltridiculedand humiliated.'ll Always rememberthat day. -Pechowy dzień
my most unlucky day in my life was that I got as a punishment for a month in wakacje.kara depended on it that I could not go outside with his friends and I could not go with her parents to wakacje.gdy through the window I saw how my colleagues had fun playing in the ball play zazdrosciłem.ale them in class I thought myself that it was a mistake and that my punishment is deserved for me.
tłumaczenie:my most unlucky day in my life was that I got as a punishment for a month in wakacje.kara depended on it that I could not go outside with his friends and I could not go with her parents to wakacje.gdy through the window I saw how my colleagues had fun playing in the ball play zazdrosciłem.ale them in class I thought myself that it was a mistake and that my punishment is deserved for me.