Spedzasz ferie ziomowe w gorach.Napisz do kolegi/kolezanki ze Szkocji pocztowkew ktorej: -poinformujesz go/ja , dlaczego wybrales to miejsce na zimowy wypoczynek -opiszesz warunki pogodowe -napiszesz jak aktywnie spedzasz czas. Jest to list , max 100 słów
Hi Jane, I'm writing to you from Zakopane right now. I am here for my winter holidays. I've chosen this place because there are the best ski slopes in Poland. Additionally, I like mountain climbing. The views are gorgeous at this time of year. The weather couldn't be any better. It's snowing almost all the time and there ain't any wind. Last few days I've been skiing constantly. Today I'm going to try snowboarding. The time I'll have left, I am going to spend for mountain climbing. I really enjoy this winter holidays! Kisses, XYZ 95 słówek.
I'm writing to you from Zakopane right now. I am here for my winter holidays. I've chosen this place because there are the best ski slopes in Poland. Additionally, I like mountain climbing. The views are gorgeous at this time of year. The weather couldn't be any better. It's snowing almost all the time and there ain't any wind. Last few days I've been skiing constantly. Today I'm going to try snowboarding. The time I'll have left, I am going to spend for mountain climbing. I really enjoy this winter holidays!
95 słówek.