1. Uzupełnij zdania. Wpisz should lub shouldn't. a) People ..................... use violence to solve their problems. b) You ................... take medicine when you aren't ill. c) You ................... help your friends when they have problems. d) When you aren't very good at something, you .................. practise to get better. e) People .................. switch off their mobile phones in the cinema.
2. Wybierz prawidłowe uzupełnienie zdań. Jeżeli Twoim zdaniem dwie możliwości są poprawne, zaznacz obie. a) Children has to/have to/don't have to go to school on Monday. b) You must/mustn't/don't have to copy in exams. c) Doctors must/mustn't/have to work hard. d) You has to/have to/must wear good clothes if you work in a bank. e) Visitors mustn't/must/don't have to talk in a loud voice or shout because it is prohibited. f) You must/don't have to/mustn't use a mobile phone in a plane.
3. Pomyśl o przyjacielu/przyjaciółce lub członku rodziny i opisz go/ją, używając poniższych przymiotników: hard-working, good-looking, left-handed, well-paid, easy-going, part-time, well-organised, blue-eyed.