Odbyłaś swoją pierwszą rozmowę o pracę. Napisz e-mail do kolegi/koleżanki z Londynu. a) Poinformuj go/ją o swojej rozmowie o pracę; b) Opisz, jak przebiegała rozmowa; c) Napisz, na jakie trudne pytania natrafiłaś.
I'm writing to you because he recently had his first interview for a job at a restaurant.
The interview went very well, it was nice enough and I hope to get this job. I also came across some difficult questions during the recruitment process, one of them was "What are the methods of cutting", but after much thought I managed to deal with it.
hi Ola!
I'm writing to you because he recently had his first interview for a job at a restaurant.
The interview went very well, it was nice enough and I hope to get this job. I also came across some difficult questions during the recruitment process, one of them was "What are the methods of cutting", but after much thought I managed to deal with it.
I hope we will meet soon
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