Napisz mail do kolegi/koleżanki z Anglii w którym poinformujesz go/ją -gdzie mieszkasz jak wygląda twój dom i okolica -opisz swoją rodzinę -Napisz o swoich przyjaciołach i poinformuj jak spędzacie wolny czas Po angielsku tylko proszę nie z tłumacza . Z góry dzięki.
As you know, I'm in England now. I live in a small, cute single-family house, I have a huge garden with a view on Lake District. My family is not to big, I have only husband and our solace - Tiffany. She have already finished one year old this month. I have a lot of friends. We spend a lot of time togheter, we're going to the cinema or on the lake.
As you know, I'm in England now.
I live in a small, cute single-family house, I have a huge garden with a view on Lake District.
My family is not to big, I have only husband and our solace - Tiffany.
She have already finished one year old this month.
I have a lot of friends.
We spend a lot of time togheter, we're going to the cinema or on the lake.
Your friend - Yolanta