Zadaniem będzie odegranie wskazanych ról. Proszę bardzo o odpowiedzi;
Negocjowanie 1.W biurze pośrednictwa pracy czasowej w Anglii rozmawiasz o możliwościach zatrudnienia. -Podaj, w jakim charakterze chciałbyś / chciałabyś znaleźć czasowe zatrudnienie. -Odrzuć zaoferowaną możliwość podjęcia innej pracy od zaraz i podaj uzasadnienie. -Zaproponuj rozwiązanie kompromisowe.
Relacjonowanie wydarzeń 2.Opowiadasz znajomym z zagranicy o Twoim zetknięciu z rzadką dyscypliną sportu. Powiedz: -w jakich okolicznościach miało to miejsce, -co robili uczestnicy podczas gry, -jak zachowywali się widzowie.
Uzyskiwanie, udzielanie informacji 3. Zauważasz u znajomego / znajomej z zagranicy objawy silnego przeziębienia. -Udziel mu / jej wskazówek, jakiego typu leki powinien / powinna zastosować. -Poinformuj go / ją, że większość potrzebnych leków może kupić bez recepty. -Zaoferuj pomoc przy zakupie leków w aptece.
- Reverence for you! - Yeah reverence. A long time ago we didn't see ourselves what is heard at you? - Talk it being abroad - it was wonderfully. One day going round the city I came across an interesting sports discipline. - Don't keep us in suspense but say. - It was about the coldest marathon of world. - I understand nothing - I am already explaining, so so... In such conditions it is not hard for chilling lungs out. In order not to sink in the layer of the snow runners are using ultralight rackets, faces are hiding under balaclavas. I am telling you to see thing that is extraordinary experience. - And how people behaved? - when did spectators react? - they were full of admiration for such people and they could not believe they are so brave. As a matter of fact I also rank among these persons. - Goods somehow coldly were done < laughter> - precisely ! You will tell us the rest in transit home. - Well it let us walk.
- Reverence for you!
- Yeah reverence. A long time ago we didn't see ourselves what is heard at you?
- Talk it being abroad
- it was wonderfully. One day going round the city I came across an interesting sports discipline.
- Don't keep us in suspense but say.
- It was about the coldest marathon of world.
- I understand nothing
- I am already explaining, so so... In such conditions it is not hard for chilling lungs out. In order not to sink in the layer of the snow runners are using ultralight rackets, faces are hiding under balaclavas. I am telling you to see thing that is extraordinary experience.
- And how people behaved?
- when did spectators react?
- they were full of admiration for such people and they could not believe they are so brave. As a matter of fact I also rank among these persons.
- Goods somehow coldly were done < laughter>
- precisely ! You will tell us the rest in transit home.
- Well it let us walk.