1. Przebywasz podczas wakacji w szkole językowej w Londynie. W liście do kolegi (50-100) słów napisz: -jak wyglądają twoje zajęcia -ile masz osób w grupie i skad są -co robisz w wolnym czasie 2. Właśnie rozpoczynasz studia w dużym mieście. Wynajmujesz mieszkanie w centrum miasta. W liscie do kolegi (50-100 słów): - opisz to miejsce i okolicę -napisz z kim je dzielisz - zapros go/ją do siebie na weekend
1. Dear Tom, I'am writing to you because i'm in language school in London on holiday. I have a four lessons for one day. We learn a French, Spanish, German and Italian there. I really like it. We read so many texts, sing a song and learn new words. I have twenty people in the classroom. They are from England, Poland, Netherlands and Norway. They are speaking English very well. In free time I visit London, spend time with classmate and play a computer games. I like this school. Kisses, [twoje imie]
I'am writing to you because i'm in language school in London on holiday. I have a four lessons for one day. We learn a French, Spanish, German and Italian there. I really like it. We read so many texts, sing a song and learn new words. I have twenty people in the classroom. They are from England, Poland, Netherlands and Norway. They are speaking English very well. In free time I visit London, spend time with classmate and play a computer games. I like this school.
[twoje imie]