J. Ang Napisz email: Twój kolega miał wypadek i trafił do szpitala. Napisz email do koleżanki z USA, która jest również jego znajomą: * Poinformuj koleżankę, jaki wypadek miał wasz kolega * Opisz, w jaki sposób trafił do szpitala *Powiedz, jakie podjęto wobec niego leczenie * Zaproponuj niespodziankę z okazji jego powrotu do domu 80-130 słów.. bardzo proszę o pomoc
Did you know that Tomek had an accident? He's been hit by a car. The doctors say that it's nothing dangerous but he probably has broken his arm. He wanted to catch his bus this morning and entered the street passage to early. And the oncoming car couldn't brake on time and hit him directly. Now, he's in the central hospital and he is treated by the best. He's already after x-ray but he has to pass some more examinations as well. I think that he will have to stay there for at least three days. I'm going to visit him about 5 P.M. Would you like to join me? I think that Tomek would be very happy seeing us together in the hospital. Please answer me as soon as possible. If you don't manage to go please call me after 5 P.M. I will give you Tomek to phone.
Did you know that Tomek had an accident? He's been hit by a car. The doctors say that it's nothing dangerous but he probably has broken his arm.
He wanted to catch his bus this morning and entered the street passage to early. And the oncoming car couldn't brake on time and hit him directly.
Now, he's in the central hospital and he is treated by the best. He's already after x-ray but he has to pass some more examinations as well. I think that he will have to stay there for at least three days.
I'm going to visit him about 5 P.M. Would you like to join me? I think that Tomek would be very happy seeing us together in the hospital.
Please answer me as soon as possible. If you don't manage to go please call me after 5 P.M. I will give you Tomek to phone.
Best regards