Into the words! Ubah gambar-gambar menjadi kata-kata! Going to The Market it is at 08.00 oclock am Me with my mother go to the market wie go there by mater bycle we want to buy many things in there mother buys five kilos of sugar, a kilo of egg.. two kilos of Avocado and a bowl i buy a skirt, a pair of socks, Saq and ice creem After that, we go home by motor bycle....
Jawaban:Pergi ke pasar itu jam 08.00 saya dengan ibu saya pergi ke pasar kami pergi ke sana dengan sepeda motor kami ingin membeli banyak barang di sana ibu membeli lima kilo gula, satu kilo telur.. dua kilos alpukat dan mangkuk saya membeli rok, sepasang kaus kaki, saq dan es krim setelah itu, kami pulang dengan sepeda motor....
Going to The Market it is at 08.00 o'clock am Me with my mother go to the market we go there by motorcycle/motorbycle we want to buy many things in there mother buys five kilos of sugar,a kilo of egg.. two kilos of avocado and bowl i buy a skirt, a pair of socks, Saq and ice cream After that, we go home by motorcycle/motorbycle....
Maaf jika ada kesalahan semoga membantu dan bermanfaat untuk anda dan semua orang
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Jawaban:Pergi ke pasar itu jam 08.00 saya dengan ibu saya pergi ke pasar kami pergi ke sana dengan sepeda motor kami ingin membeli banyak barang di sana ibu membeli lima kilo gula, satu kilo telur.. dua kilos alpukat dan mangkuk saya membeli rok, sepasang kaus kaki, saq dan es krim setelah itu, kami pulang dengan sepeda motor....
Going to The Market it is at 08.00 o'clock am Me with my mother go to the market we go there by motorcycle/motorbycle we want to buy many things in there mother buys five kilos of sugar,a kilo of egg.. two kilos of avocado and bowl i buy a skirt, a pair of socks, Saq and ice cream After that, we go home by motorcycle/motorbycle....
Maaf jika ada kesalahan semoga membantu dan bermanfaat untuk anda dan semua orang