ini bacaan yah tolong yah bantu jawab soalnyah besok di kumpulin
19. Answer these questions
A. What is the letter about?
b. Who is the letter addressed to?
c. What is the relationship between Agung Susanto and Elizabeth Zane?
d. What is the second paragraph in the letter about?
e. What is the purpose of the letter?
f. What competition did Zane participate in?
G.What do the underlined words refer to? 1) This was a reward.... (paragraph 2) 2) It explans.... (paragraph 2) 3)encourages me to recommend her her.... (paragraph 3)
h.What do the underlined words mean? 1) understand the intricacy of atmosphere.... (paragraph 2) 2) ...when striving to complete her stack of assignments. (paragraph 2) 3) Her positive attitude was unrivalled.... (paragraph 2) 4) ...she distinguishes herself ...... (paragraph 2)
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