Informację po angielsku o Irlandii (nie północna) ponad 10 zdań POTRZEBUJE NA TERAZ SZYBKOOOOO!!!!!!!!
Irlandia - State in Western Europe, since 1973 a Member State of the European Union. Historical, the Latin name for Ireland, given by the Romans, was Hibernia. It is found also the name Ἰέρνη (Iernē) The Constitution of Ireland of 1937 provides that the official name of the state is Éire (Irish language) and Ireland (in English). These names are used when signing international agreements and treaties Association. However, as a description of the state used an Irish name Poblacht on hÉireann or the English version of the Republic of Ireland. Using a name to describe the island, as well as the state sought to emphasize the integrity of Northern Ireland and the rest of the island as one of the state organism. The associated countries in the Commonwealth, including the United Kingdom, to describe Ireland as a country use the name Éire. Similarly, in European countries, mail addressed to Ireland with an additional note Éire. According to the regulations of 1947, the official writings of Ireland as a country should use the name of Éire.
By virtue of the 1920 Government of Ireland Act, one year later , Ireland was divided into two autonomous parts - Northern Ireland and Southern Ireland . Both parts have to have separate parliaments, governments and the judiciary ( with the exception of appeal) . The joint was supposed to be Lord Steward and the Council .The provisions of forming Southern Ireland never came into de facto effect. In 1921, elections were held for the House of Commons of Southern Ireland. 124 to 128 seats gained Sinn Féin candidates who immediately announced the formation of its own , the revolutionary parliament ( Second Dail ) . At the first session of parliament południowoirlandzkiego turned up only four deputies unionistycznych . For this reason, he has not ever work and appointed government.Following the adoption by the Irish Treaty, January 14, 1922 established the Provisional Government of Southern Ireland , headed by Michael Collins . Parallel to the Government of the Republic of Ireland there with Arthur Griffith in the lead, while the country was engulfed by civil war caused by the opponents of the treaty under the leadership of Eamon de Valery .
Division IrelandCollins was killed Aug. 22, 1922 . September 9 , a new government under the leadership of William Thomas Cosgrave'a that combined administration of the Republic of Ireland and Southern Ireland .December 6, 1922 was the final signing of the Treaty and the creation of the Irish Free State .
Na mocy 1920 Rząd Irlandii ustawy , rok później , Irlandia została podzielona na dwie autonomiczne części - Irlandia Północna i Południowa Irlandia . Obie części mają mieć odrębne parlamenty , rządy i sądownictwo ( z wyjątkiem odwołania) . Wspólny miał być Pan Steward i Rady. Przepisy formowania południowej Irlandii nigdy nie weszła w de facto efekt. W 1921 roku odbyły się wybory do Izby Gmin w południowej Irlandii. 124 do 128 mandatów zdobytych kandydatów Sinn Fein , którzy natychmiast ogłosili
Division IrelandCollins was killed Aug. 22, 1922 . September 9 , a new government under the leadership of William Thomas Cosgrave'a that combined administration of the Republic of Ireland and Southern Ireland .December 6, 1922 was the final signing of the Treaty and the creation of the Irish Free State .