In your own perspective why do some people support abortion?
In my own perspective people support abortion because they afraid that they can't take care of their son/daughter properly, and afraid of their son/daughter future, but for some people abortion is an effort to escape from responsibility for their mistake
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Why are some people again abortion? answer in our knowledge about abortion?
in our knowledge about abortion is about killing unborn child, which is still a murder, and murder itself is a crime against humanity itself
Do you agree with abortion ? why / why not What your reason
no, because like i said before abortion is a crime, except when the abortion happen naturally, because it's out of human intervention
In some way esp for teenagers there are so many thing that support them to do abortion such as they don't want their family know about she is in preganancy because it will break their family's image, they will be bullied in their society, kicked out from their society, etc